
Torah finials

Torah finials

This set of sterling silver finials, referred to in Hebrew as rimmonim (pomegranates), are 25 centimeters in height. The objects are just one example of Judaic art objects produced in the post-World War 2 period when Jews around the world attempted to come to terms with the tragedy of the Holocaust.

The bottom third of each of these finials is made up of a smooth solid metal shaft. Directly above this shaft, a floral design is apparent. Hidden within this intricate decoration are three Hebrew letters which translate into English as the "Almighty". This section is joined to a small basin by three snail-like pieces of silver. A silver shaft extends from this basin. Three slim metallic pieces, resembling branches, protrude from this shaft. Each of these pieces of metal contain five small leaf-like objects.

The floral design located in the bottom half of each finial may signify the "blossoming" of the Torah, a symbol commonly employed in Torah ornaments. The tree-like formation apparent at the top of these finials probably represents the "tree of life," a very important symbol in Judaism. The "tree of life" is first referred to in the Book of Genesis. Here, the "tree of life" is the name given to the tree which bears the fruit that, when eaten, give people eternal life. In later literature, however, the term "tree of life" has a much more abstract meaning. The Torah, for example, is often referred to as the "tree of life," perhaps implying that this holy scripture is the basis of Jewish life. The use of the "tree of life" motif on the finials is actually quite appropriate since, as mentioned, finials are merely a decorative extension of the azei hayyim ("trees of life") or Torah staves. Despite this, the "tree of life" motif is not normally incorporated into the finial decor. Traditionally, finials have been decorated with other symbols such as bells, lions, tablets, and pomegranates.

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