

The Ketubah, or marriage contract, functions primarily as an assertion of the rights of women in marriage. Specifically, it contains certain Tena'im or material obligations which a husband has towards his wife. These include, for example, the provision of housing and compensation in the event of divorce. In addition to Tena'im, the marriage contract also includes personal data including the day of the wedding, the city where the wedding took place, and the name of the bride and groom. The Ketubah must be signed by two witnesses. In former times the Ketubah was kept by the wife's brother, who is responsible for ensuring his sister's financial security. Normally, the Ketubah is written in both Aramaic and the vernacular of the specific country. A Ketubah contains both personal data and Tena'im, the style of the document varies from era to era and community to community.

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