Artifacts B.C. Artifacts B.C. - Table of Contents


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Just for Kids


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About Artifacts B.C.
This web site showcases artifacts, archival material and historic sites in the Province of British Columbia. It is a one-stop finding aid that allows students and researchers to do primary research on archaeology, anthropology, conservation, museums and historic sites.

On-line collections - Abstract
This is an index to the nationally significant artifact collections held at institutions in the Province of British Columbia. It is accessible and easy to use for school children, educators, researchers, and the general public.

Go to On-line Collections

Archaeology - Abstract
This section contains resources about Archaeology. Find information about stratigraphy and faunal analysis. Learn how to find, map and record an archaeological site. Learn about processing and classifying artifacts.

Go to Archaeology

Kosapsom - Abstract
This is all about the Kosapsom village archaeological site called 'DcRu4'. Read about the prehistory and history of the area, tools, column samples, soil profiles, time periods, and the archaeological dig conducted by the University of Victoria.

Go to Kosapsom

Victoriana - Abstract
This section is about the Victorian era. There are also pages that explain what museums and curators do. Learn in this section how to identify a Victorian artifact and how to research the history surrounding it.

Go to Victoriana

Just for Kids

Teacher's Corner

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