Chronological Timeline Nov. 1775 Lord Dunmore's Proclamation Nov. 1775 Ethiopian Regiment Formed Dec. 1775 Virginia Declaration Dec. 1775 Battle of Great Bridge Feb. 1776 Ethiopian Regiment Evacuated May 1776 Black Pioneers Formed Sep. 1779 Philipsburg Proclamation Sept. 1780 Tye Killed in Huddy Raid Oct. 1781 Battle of Yorktown Dec. 1782 Certificates of Freedom Nov. 1782 Provisional Peace Treaty May 1783 Carleton Orders Blacks Evacuated Aug. 1783 Birchtown Surveyed Sept. 1783 Treaty of Paris Signed Mar. 1784 Guysborough Burns June 1784 Shelburne Riot May 1785 'Negro Frolics' Banned Sept. 1785 Marrant Arrives in NS Sept. 1785 Annapolis Road Completed 1786 Little Tracadie Settled April 1787 Sierra Leone Colony Founded Feb. 1788 Beaver Dam Land Grants 1788 Marrant's Narrative Published Jan. 1789 Famine in Nova Scotia Dec. 1789 Granville Town (SL) Destroyed 1790 Thomas Peters Brings Petition to England Oct. 1791 Clarkson Arrives from England Jan. 1792 Fleet leaves for Sierra Leone Mar. 1792 Fleet Arrives; Clarkson Governor June 1792 Thomas Peters Dies Dec. 1792 Clarkson Returns to England Mar. 1793 Clarkson Dismissed June 1793 Riot in Freetown Sep. 1794 French Attack Freetown Oct. 1794 Oath of Restitution