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Bonnyville BandThe Bonnyville and District Band was organized in 1970 - 1971 by Wanda Senecal, Helen Skuba, Amelia Mandro, Ruth Poulin, and Trudy Lacombe. As well, Ron Bawick was hired to help organize the band, which consisted of band members, majorettes and pom pom girls. The band was open to students in the town of Bonnyville and surrounding district and had approximately to 50 to 75 members.

Bonnyville Band
No grants were available to support this band – money was raised by working bingos, concession booths at rodeo's and auction sales, as well as by personal donations.

They performed at many activities in Bonnyville, including rodeos, Canada Day celebrations and Armistice. They marched at Klondike Days in Edmonton, as well as in the towns of Turtleford, Saskatchewan, Vermillon, St. Paul, Grand Centre, Vegreville, St. Walburg, Fort McMurray, Lloydminster and at the Lac La Biche Pow Wow Days.

Bonnyville BandIn 1976 the band was transferred to the Bonnyville Centralized High School and was disbanded in 1977 when music teacher Walter Bolt was transferred out of the area. Most of the instruments are now being used at Nelson Heights School in Cold Lake.

The last band executive comprised Snuffy Clark, president; Trudy Lacombe, vice-president; Amelia Madro, secretary; and Helen Skuba, treasurer.

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