National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada

Bulletin 2 (I:2), December 1963

Annual Index
Author & Subject

David Milne: 1918-19

by R. F. Wodehouse, Curator of War Art

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1 Alan Jarvis, David Milne, The Gallery of Canadian Art: 3, 1952 p. 5.

2 Complete details of how he made himself known to Konody in London, and his selection as an artist, may be available in the Milne papers which are now in the Public Archives, Ottawa. At the time of writing these documents were not available to the public, pending final settlement of the Milne estate.

3. Record of War Service. Pte David Milne, No. 3232521; in the War Service Records Division, Department Veterans Affairs, Record Centre of the Public Archives, Ottawa.

4. An interview with Mr Douglas Duncan in Toronto (13 Dec. 1960) proved of great assistance. Mr. Duncan knew Milne personally.

5. Record of War Service, Pay Ledger Sheets.

6. Army Historical Section, Army Headquarters, Ottawa, supplied information from First World War files, the Service Records of Pte Milne, and verified locations of scenes of certain paintings.

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