Steps 3 & 4

How to make a traditional birchbark canoe

Part  B

Step 3 - Staking the bark

canoe-B3a.jpg (68760 bytes) The inwales are centered on the bark.
canoe-B3b.jpg (78235 bytes) The sheet of bark is bent up around the inwales.
canoe-B3c.jpg (65637 bytes) The bark is then staked into position.

Step 4 - Sewing the gunwales

canoe-B4a.jpg (48289 bytes) Two tucks are made in the bow and stern.
canoe-B4b.jpg (37535 bytes) The tucks are folded and secured with babiche.
canoe-B4c.jpg (50551 bytes) The gunwales are sewn into place.

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