Steps 5 & 6

How to make a traditional birchbark canoe

Part  C

Step 5 - Inserting the ribs and making the thwarts

canoe-C5a.jpg (50804 bytes) Diamond willow is used for ribs and are bent into shape.
canoe-C5b.jpg (46923 bytes) Ribs are secured between the gunwales.
canoe-C5c.jpg (51876 bytes) The thwarts are cut and lashed together using babiche.

Step 6 - Closing the Bow and Stern

canoe-C6a.jpg (45921 bytes) The bow and stern are clamped and closed.
canoe-C6b.jpg (44465 bytes) Spruce pitch (spruce gum) is collected to seal the stems and plug any holes.
canoe-C6c.jpg (35227 bytes) The pitch is heated before it is applied to the canoe
canoe-C6d.jpg (37478 bytes) The bow and stern are sewed with spruce root and sealed with the pitch.

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