[hockey stick]SPORTS & RECREATION INTERESTS[tennis ball]

The Company has always maintained a deep interest in the health and welfare of its staff and has provided liberally for Sport and Recreation. The President presents handsome prizes for tennis and for annual sports, which are held on July 4th. each year, and also for indoor games held during the winter months.

In addition to the field and tennis events, we are happily situated as regards fishing and shooting, no finer trout and salmon streams can be found anywhere than close to the Station. A few minutes drive in a car brings the fisherman to the best of them, and large catches are obtained each season. Those wishing to fish for lake trout can do so within a few yards of the Office. Duck shooting is good, and partridge, snipe and rabbit shooting is fairly good locally. For those who want big game, moose and deer are plentiful and close at hand. During the winter months skating, sleighing and snowshoeing are of course available, and games of hockey played several times weekly with the Western Union and other teams from Canso. Altogether, as far as healthful recreations are concerned we have nothing to complain about.

The absence of railroad communications is somewhat of a handicap in many respects, but this is not so bad during the summer when the car is available. The distance to the nearest railroad station 53 miles away, is a matter of a couple of hours only. The alternative of this mode of travel is the daily steam boat from Canso, which connects with the trains at Mulgrave on the Strait of Canso. It is a far cry from 1884-1927 and many changes have occurred in station and staff in that period. Of the original members of the latter, none are now left, the last four having retired recently after 43 years service.

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