[Picture of a Pigeon]

The following correspondence were sent to J. Parsons Esq. - Agt, Marine & Fisheries Dept., Halifax, N.S.

September 28, 1896

Dear Sir,

Report re Carrier Pigeons
Yours of 14th inst. I beg to submit the following report re Carrier Pigeons - Birds were not in fit state for training July 1st, 1896

Yours faithfully,
[S.S. Dickenson]

November 27, 1896


As steamship communication with Halifax will soon be stopped for the winter, I think you had better send us a 6 months' supply of food for the Messenger Pigeons, as follows, viz: 6 Bbls Cracked Corn/3 Bbls Small green peas.

Your truly,
[S.S. Dickenson]

November 28, 1896

Dear Sir,

I beg to report as follows concerning the pigeons. We have at present the same number of birds on hand as reported per my report on the 28th Sept. inst. viz.:109. Since that date we have stopped breeding as we found the space at our disposal too confined for a larger number of birds.

We had hoped to have done some training this Summer & Autumn but we had overlooked the fact that we could not let the old birds out without danger of their going back to Halifax or that consequently we should require two separate rooms, one for the old pigeons & the other for the young.

During my absence in Europe M. Carmichael did not care to assume the responsibility of going to the expense of increasing the accommodation for the pigeons but since my return I have talked the matter over with him & as a result am more than doubling the size of the house. The addition will be completed in about a fortnight. Last winter we found difficulty in keeping the house sufficiently warm & I am consequently making provision for a baseburner stove for this winter.

These changes & additions are costing quite a little but the expenditure is absolutely necessary & I shall later submit the bills to your Department, hoping that they will see fit to reimburse me.

Yours faithfully,
[S.S. Dickenson]

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