[Picture of a Pigeon]

The following letter dated May 20th, 1897, was addressed to Hon. Louis Henry Davies - Minister of Marine & Fisheries, Ottawa.


As we are now commencing the training of a number of messenger pigeons which we raised last year for your Department, with a view to establishing a messenger pigeon service between this point and Sable Island and as some of these young birds may possibly, in the course of training, through fog or other causes, become confused and stray away, I would suggest that your Department have printed a number of circulars for distribution among the fishermen & others in this County, pointing out to them the advantages wich a successful service between the above mentioned points would afford & requesting their cooperation in protecting the birds & returning to me any stray pigeons which from time to time may take refuge on their premises.

I am Sir,
Your obedient servant
[S.S. Dickenson]

The following correspondence were sent to J. Parsons Esq. - Agt, Marine & Fisheries Dept., Halifax, N.S.

August 18th, 1897

Dear Sir,

The result of our work with the messenger pigeons so far this season is very discouraging and I am forced to the opinion that it is scarely worth while for your Department to spend any more money on them. Out of thirty birds which we have endeavored to train 18 have been lost, that is to say they have failed to return to their home. So far we have only succeeded in getting two birds to return from a distance of five miles from their house. I can only attribute these poor results to the dense fogs & high winds which have prevailed and to the large number of hawks and other wild birds with which this unsettled district is infested. We have experienced great difficulty in getting the birds to leave their house & go out & fly around so as to become familiar with their surroundings. When turned out they appear frightened and immediately seek cover.

Under these circumstances I shall be glad to hear from your Department as to whether or not they wish us to continue our efforts despite the unsatisfactory results so far obtained. I enclose pay list for the quarter ending the 30th of June, instant.

Yours truly,
[S.S. Dickenson]

October 22, 1898


Please send by S.S. City of Ghent on Tuesday next sure, as our supply is nearly out, the following for messenger pigeons, viz.:..........6 Bbls Cracked Corn / 3 Bbls Small Green Peas / 20 lbs Hemp Seed.

This will be our Winter Supply.

Yours truly,
[S.S. Dickenson]

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