Link to St. Mary's Link to Grand Prairie Regional College Link to St. Albert's Place Link to Edmonton Space Sciences Centre Link to Canadian Museum of Civilization Link to Institute of American Indian Arts Link to Ouje Bougoumou Masterplan Link to National Museum of the American Indian Link to First Nations University of Canada Link to Celebrate Cardinal Homepage
Link to Celebrate Cardinal Homepage

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Roofline of Cardinal Stony Plains residence/studio, courtesy NeWest Press
Roofline of Cardinal Stony Plains residence/studio, courtesy NeWest Press
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About This Website


The Team

Rohit Saxena, Faculty of Engineering, Carleton University


Rudy Sabga, School of Journalism, Ryerson University


Daniela Sirbu, Assistant Professor, Department of Multimedia, University of Lethbridge


Denise Kupferschmid, Faculty of Engineering, Queen's University


Isabelle Ly, School of Film Studies, Queen's University


The Sumner Group Inc. would like to acknowledge and thank all of the many contributions to the website. They include:


Douglas and Bret Cardinal for copyright clearance to the Celebrate Cardinal Exhibition.


NeWest Press for copyright clearance to excerpt passages from the pages 11, 12, 13 and 17 of The Architecture of Douglas Cardinal by Trevor Boddy, footnotes [1],[2],[3],[4],[5]


Trevor Boddy for copyright clearance to excerpt from the above mentioned passages of The Architecture of Douglas Cardinal.


Technology Venture Solutions at Queen's University, Kingston.


Frank Krzyzewski of Nearvana Environments for project mentorship and technology solutions.


The images contained in this Website are intended for viewing by students, scholars and the public. Commercial use or publication of materials contained herein are subject to permission from the copyright holders. All site images, text, and content is copyright, Sumner Group Inc., 2003, all rights reserved. Permission requests to publish any images or material herein should be addressed to the Sumner Group Inc.


This website has been designed to meet W3C standards WAI-A (Web Accessibility Initiative - Level A), CSS level 1, and XHTML 1.0, and as such is viewable in the widest range of browser software in use today and in the future.

The accessible version of this site has been tested and is known to work in the following browsers: IE 5.0, IE 5.5, IE 6.0, Netscape 4.7, and 7.0. Additionally the accessible version of this website is verified to work in RFC-1867 Compliant Browsers which includes the following platforms/browsers: IE3+ / NS3+ / Opera / Windows / Linux / Mac / SunOS.

The interactive version of this website has been tested and is verified to work in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0, which comprises approximately 95% of browsers in use today according, a firm that collates internet usage statistics. These figures are based on their traffic analysis of 38,113,581 visits to sites they monitor during the month of May 2003.

The interactive version of this website features custom DHTML functionality developed by Nearvana Environments. The website incorporates enhanced functionality, without the need to download or install plug-ins or other software, through the use of the following standards based in-browser controls:

text bullet 2 stage streaming image loader
text bullet image cross fader
text bullet stock ticker style object motion control
text bullet drawer style slide out control

Site Stats

This website contains:

text bullet 25 web pages
text bullet 4800 words of original text
text bullet 46 panoramic architectural images
text bullet 50 portrait orientation architectural and biographical images
text bullet 55 fullsize downloadable architectural images (500x500 pixels each)

The Celebrate Cardinal website is copyright, Sumner Group Inc., 2003, all rights reserved.

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