What will they think of next? After years of hearing of colour television in the United States, we couldn't wait any longer. When the CBC announced the date of their first colour broadcast, September 1, 1966, I took the trolley to Eaton's right after work and purchased a brand new television set from their television showroom. When they delivered it the next day, you could see the joy in Rhoda's and Richy's eyes, "Thank you, oh thank you, Daddy," they said. All our family, mom, dad, uncle Ivan, they all came over to watch the CBC's colour debut and were as thrilled as we were. CBC's new butterfly logo is very colourful, and its animation is very smooth. Their first broadcast was "Telescope" on Thursday September 1, 1966. For the next month, all we wanted to do was watch the colour shows. Let me tell you what shows we watched. It seemed as if black and white was gone forever!