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Agriculture : Dairy : Chilliwack Cow Testing Association
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The Chilliwack Cow Testing Association (now called the Dairy Herd Improvement Association) was the result of a meeting of several farmers and Henry Rive, Dairy Commissioner, Department of Agriculture, Victoria, early in 1913. This was the first to be formed in British Columbia.

The purpose of the Association was to weigh and measure the amount of butterfat in each cow's milk. By testing monthly, farmers were able to chart the productivity of each cow. Improvements in breeding stock, feeding programs and other factors related to the health of cows resulted from these measurements.

Revenue received from milk is based on the percentage of butterfat as higher butterfat content produces greater profits for farmers.

In 1953, the Cow Testing association changed its name to the Chilliwack Dairy Herd Improvement Association. Today the DHIA continues its important role by measuring the productivity of milk producing cows.


Interior of Chilliwack Dairy plant 1912.

Interior of Chilliwack Dairy plant 1912.

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