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Timelines : 1900-1909
The Land

Colonial Settlers

Community of Villages




Image Gallery 

  • The Chilliwack Dyking contract was completed after three years at the cost of $265,000.00.


  • In April, the first High School was built at Young and College Street, near the present Central Elementary School gym.


  • In November, Elk Creek Waterworks, a private company, entered into an agreement with the Township of Chilliwhack and The Canadian Wood Pipe Co. to complete an eight mile water main to supply Chilliwack with running water.
  • The Royal Bank building was under construction.


  • Fire! Seven stores were completely wiped out and two stores heavily damaged [along the north side of Wellington]. The community was inadequately prepared and lacked the necessary equipment or expertise for a disaster of this magnitude.
  • The Chilliwack Tram, Power and Light by-law entered the Township of Chilliwhack into an agreement with the Vancouver Power Company Ltd. to provide electricity to Chilliwack.


  • On Nov. 21, the B.C. Electric Railway purchased, for $1,500., the shares of the Vancouver, Fraser Valley and Southern Railway, [part of which was the former Chilliwack Power and Light Co. Ltd.] accelerating the pace of the New Westminster-Chilliwack section of the B.C. Electric railway.


  • March 26, The Chilliwack Telephone Company commenced operation. The first printed telephone directory measured 4" x 5" and contained 117 subscribers.
  • The Incorporation of the City of Chilliwack. The first council: Mayor by acclamation: Samuel A. Cawley, Aldermen: Jas Munro, J.H. Ashwell, R. Marshall, T.E. Caskey, T.H. Jackson, C.E. Bonnycastle, D.E. Hall, W.F. Ferris.


  • The St. Thomas Anglican Church property at Five Corners was sold for $23,000, the highest price ever paid up to that time for property in the City. The Church was moved to the Mountain View subdivision on First Avenue.
  • Three more new motor cars were in the valley to stay.

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