History Architecture Rise Again Present in the Community Little Dutch Church

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courtesy St. George's parish archive
Side view

courtesy St. George's parish archive
Rear view

courtesy St. George's parish archive
Front view

Photo courtesy Anne West
Skyward view

Photo courtesy Anne WestIn 1983, Parks Canada designated the church a National Historic site. A Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada plaque was unveiled, describing the church’s historic significance. After the fire of 1994, the plaque was revised to reflect the fire and subsequent restoration. The plaque currently on display reads as follows:

Begun in 1800, this distinguished round church illustrates a refined but rare aspect of the Palladian architectural style. It is the only known Canadian Church of this period to adopt the circular form recommended by the Renaissance architect Palladio. The unusual form is attributed to Edward, Duke of Kent and the detailed plans to master shipwright William Hughes. Modifications carried out during the 19th century have not altered its original appearance. Restored after a devastating fire in 1994, the church retains its harmonious classical form.