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Photo courtesy Don Robinson
Halifax Old Clock Tower

courtesy NSARM
Music Pavillion

courtesy NSARM
Martello Tower

Photo courtesy Anne West
Saint George's Church

courtesy Anne West
Andrea Palladio

Photo courtesy Don RobinsonA keen amateur architect, the Duke of Kent favored buildings in the classical Palladian style and had a particular fondness for round structures. His legacy to Halifax includes the round-topped Town Clock, the round Music Pavilion at Prince’s Lodge, and the Martello tower in Point Pleasant Park.


What is Palladian Architecture?

courtesy Anne WestAndrea Palladio was an Italian architect (1508-1580) of the Renaissance who studied the symmetrical forms of the ancient Greeks and Romans and brought them back into vogue. He published his ideas in the Four Books of Architecture, which were translated into English. This style spread to England and in the 18th century was used for public buildings throughout its colonies.