History Architecture Rise Again Present in the Community Little Dutch Church

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Photo Gallery
(click photos to enlarge)

courtesy St. George's parish archives
Dome Builders

courtesy Anne West
Ceiling Painter

courtesy Bob Bentley
Kevin Harvey

courtesy Bob Bentley
Art Probert

courtesy Bob Bentley
Colin LeBlanc & Mike Ballard

courtesy Bob Bentley
David Jank & Gordon MacLean

courtesy Bob Bentley
Gordon MacLean

courtesy Bob Bentley
Campbell Lionel


courtesy Anne West
Ceiling Work

courtesy Anne West
Cleaning the pulpit



courtesy Anne West
Turning spindles

courtesy Anne West
Re-painting the chancel



...professionals, parishioners and volunteers working together to rebuild from the ashes...



courtesy Bob Bentley
Kimberly Reagan

courtesy Bob Bentley

courtesy Bob Bentley
Pam Garland-Moors

courtesy Bob Bentley



courtesy Bob Bentley
Steaphen Simon

courtesy Bob Bentley
Stephen W

courtesy Bob Bentley
Stirling Kaulback

courtesy Bob Bentley
Robert Rose