History Architecture Rise Again Present in the Community Little Dutch Church

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courtesy Bob Bentley

courtesy Bob Bentley
Lifting the cupola

courtesy Bob Bentley

courtesy Bob Bentley
Dome Being Lifted


Lord, we desire to place ourselves and the restoration of Saint George’s church in Thy hands. Guide, direct and prosper us, we beseech Thee; and if Thou seest that this undertaking will be for Thy glory, grant us good success. Make us and those who act with us to feel that, unless Thy blessing is with us, we cannot succeed, and that Except the Lord build the house, their labor is but lost who build it.



May the restoration of the church building be but a reflection of the restoration of Thy true Church, in turning Thy people to faithfulness to Thee. Go before us, then, O Lord, in this and all our doings with Thy most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual help, that all our works begun, continued and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord.




courtesy Bob Bentley




courtesy Bob Bentley



Click Here to View Photos of the first service held within Saint George after the restoration.

Click Here to View Photos of the Church's Interior during the restorations.