Soapstone Carvings

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Product Characteristics
Factors Affecting Price


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Found In Canada
Notables: Ojibway, Iroquois, Haida
and Cowichan


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Many other groups also use this medium to carve.
Stone is generally more accessible to these groups.
Some soapstone is imported from Brazil due to it's cost and quantity.
Images are more "Indian" than the Inuit style. Images are generally reflections of a teaching or spirit held in high regard by a particular groups (i.e., Ojibway and Iroquois often use the eagle. Iroquoise carve the false faces particular to their ancestry).
Greater variety in colour in this group to include shades of grey and yellow.
Stone is generally harder than that used by the Inuit.
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Soap Stone Carving

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Artist notoriety.
Detail in the work.
Story of the work.
Place of purchase.
Is generally less expensive than Inuit Carvings.
Generally available in smaller, less expensive pieces.


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