Traditional Dolls of the Inuit

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Product Characteristics
Factors Affecting Price


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Because of hard living conditions, and the need of everyone to contribute to survival there was little time for carefree activity.
When there was time, children played with dolls that were made from left over sewing scraps such as hides, fur, wood and seal skin.
For young girls, making dolls was a lesson in sewing using various methods.
The dolls took the form of puppets, wooden head dolls and family dolls.
Dolls also took form of the surrounding wildlife (such as polar bears) to assist in the identification of the different species.
Wooden head dolls resemble the Inuit people.

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Price varies depending on size and intricacy of work.
Hand puppets vs. other types of dolls.
Doll's price is affected by size and intricacy of work.
Prices range anywhere from $30.00-$300.00.
Wooden head dolls were:  1) typically not sold and 2) are more expensive due to their traditional value.



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