Print House Title.gif (22226 bytes)

 In the Print ShopEven though this print shop is large enough to house many different types of printing presses, the print shop master would only be able to run only one non-electric printing press at a time. As you can see there are a lot of cabinets full of type set. This is where the print shop master went when he wanted a specific font or size to print with. This would have been a very tedious job in many respects, looking through drawers for the exact type set. Sometimes the print shop master had to order special type sets for different machines, especially the Linotype where you punched in which letters you wanted on a keyboard. The print shop was kept well ventilated because of the lead used to make the casts was toxic. This was still not completely effective, many print shop masters ended up developing various medical conditions from working with the lead!


hand platten press - electric platten press - Chamber & Price printing press - linotype - life of a printer

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