Explore New France...

by Paul H. Stehelin
Nimbus Publishing LTD

"Electric City"...
...an interesting account of the life in New France from beginning to finish. Paul H. Stehelin is the grandson of the founder Emile Stehelin, who gives full detailed accounts of the family's many adventures during the years the settlement thrived.
by Germaine Comeau
Éditions d'Acadie, Moncton, 1997

"Loin de France"...
...a novel based on life in New France at the turn of the last century. The young Paul-Émile Stehelin discovers life in the forest and demanding family ties. The story unfolds in a spirit of mystery and adventure.
(available in French only)
The following list of organizations, have contributed with information and/or support.

The translation of this site was made possible through the Acadian and French Language Services Department of Education of Nova Scotia. http://WWW.Ednet.NS.Ca/educ/dsalf/

The following link lists the individuals who have contributed with information and/or support.

This site represents the research and information available to the team at the time of development. It does not reflect the full story and happenings of New France. It does not necessarily reflect the views of Western Valley Development Authority, Industry Canada or Canada's Digital Collections.

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