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.Without a radio or television settlers were hungry for company, sometimes spending a whole day to visit relatives or friends. Time that men could spend in the field in a day was limited by their horses. Unless more than one set of horses was used the farmer was left with lots of time to build, repair, and socialize.

The homesteader could walk to a neighbor's house and play cards. They played card games such as Auction Bridge, 500 and Whist. The board game Mah Jongg was a rage of the time. People enjoyed playing checkers, tournaments often being held. A lot of time was spent visiting with neighbors. If a new barn was erected, it was a tradition to hold a square dance in the barn before the hay was placed inside. At the community centers competitions were held for dancing. Baseball was often played. Games were often arranged against other towns. Townsfolk would attend the games and cheer on their home team. People enjoyed skating, skiing and tobogganing. It was very common for horse races to take place. Crowds would be drawn from many different parts of the region to spend an afternoon watching the races. Many homesteaders often subscribed to magazines such as the Western Producer. The first newspaper in Radville was started in 1911, called the Radville News. The name of this newspaper changed names a few times throughout the years. In 1975 the name was changed to The Radville Star, its current name.


.In the early 1900s there were a few occasions that were celebrated each year. There was always a big celebration held at Christmas. They would hold a midnight mass at Christmas time. Everybody would attend these masses. Families would gather together and have suppers and celebrate the occasion. Lent was taken very seriously. Everybody had to fast. Masses were held regularly. Every year whenever July 1 rolled around you knew that something was going to be going on. People would get together and go to the fair grounds for a day of activities. People could play a game of baseball or just sit and enjoy watching the games. They would also have parades and fireworks for entertainment.

A parade runs through the streets.

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