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3 A new country, a new beginning, 1902

Facts - Ice Boats
Island Hymn

Dear Mother and Father,

I am sorry it's taken me so long to write another letter, but so much has happened during the past few months, I don't know where to begin!

I sailed to Prince Edward Island on a new type of ship called an icebreaker. The other Lebanese I've met here say I'm lucky I didn't have to travel on one of the old ice boats - they actually had to help pull the boats across the ice when they first sailed here!

Some of the Lebanese here in the capital city of Charlottetown are from our very own village and I've already learned much from them. They taught me more of the English language, found a place in the country where I can peddle goods, and introduced me to a kind wholesaler who gave me a pack filled with everything I need on credit! I promise to pay him back as soon as I sell everything in the pack!

A train takes me from the city to the country, and from there, I walk from house to house. The weather is still cold and the snow makes the roads very hard to travel. The country people are more isolated than the people in our village and they aren't very friendly towards foreigners. Some of them even seem afraid of me just because I look different from them and can't speak their language very well yet.

I hope things will change once my customers and I become better acquainted with each other, but some people have already been kind enough to buy my goods, let me share their meals and offer me a bed for the night. It's certainly better than sleeping outside in the cold!

Your loving son,

