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4 Settling in, settling down, 1905

Facts - Early Island Roads  

Dear Mother and Father,

I have started to enjoy my trips to the country. My customers act friendlier to me each time I see them. Some of them have even said they look forward to my visits as much as the goods I sell.

Country people here have larger farms and live farther apart than in our village. Some of my customers live more than a mile away from their closest neighbours and even further away from the nearest general store. The people are even more isolated when the roads become snowy in winter and muddy in spring. I think that's why they're starting to enjoy my company.

My customers already grow or make almost everything they need, so I mainly sell things they can't find anywhere else - little things like hairpins, ribbons, scissors or medicine. If they need something I don't have, I always make sure to get it when I return to the city.

Many farmers do not have much money, so they often give me food from their garden in exchange for goods. If they have nothing to trade in return, I give them credit.  Fortunately, most of them pay me back the next time I see them!

It's been a long time since I last slept outside or went without food. The people on this island are friendlier than I originally thought and this is such a beautiful country. In summer, the land is much greener than Lebanon, and I even enjoy the winter snow. I am still getting used to walking in the cold winter weather, though!

Your loving son,

