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Fernie: The Early Years
 Wildhorse Creek Gold Rush 


The Gold Rush

Aboriginal Culture

Chief Isidore

Ktunaxa Law

The Ktunaxa people had their own set of laws long before the Europeans got here. Just like policemen today, each band picked certain men to make sure that their laws were obeyed. When someone broke a law, he or she was brought before the chief. A person who disobeyed the laws of the band was punished by receiving lashes. No one liked to give out the punishment but the chief’s orders had to be obeyed. This is the story of one man who disobeyed his chief:

Whitetail came home after a bad day of hunting. He did not catch anything and so he emptied the shells out of his gun. He came upon his sister and pointed the gun at her. He fired it, but, one of the shells had not been emptied and he killed her. He was taken before the chief and was ordered 100 lashes!

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