James Douglas's Residence

"On the West side of the house there was a beautiful shrubbery of spreading willows and under these willows seats were placed for people and there we played. on Sunday afternoons...used to spend many pleasant hours in the summer. Two large arbours which were covered by grape vines, brought from Fort Vancouver, formed one of the many beautiful spots in our gardens. These vines grew and flourished until the place was cut up for sale. I fortunately have some vines from that tree."

"As children we were not allowed out of these boundaries unless accompanied or riding.

"The gardens that were supplied from our gardens were numerous. My Father was always very generous in giving plants and helping people. When I came upon the scene the gardens were all laid out by a very skilful old man named Thomas and he certainly did grow beautiful flowers. Everything was in apple pie order.. I made gardens for myself and used to pick his flowers."

Martha Douglas reminiscences of early life in Victoria
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