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Early Fossil Finders

Abraham Gesner Abraham Gesner

The Gesner Museum was the first museum in Canada.

William Logan Sir William Edmond Logan

Logan's private collection of specimens eventually became the National Museum of Canada.

David Honeyman David Honeyman

Following his passion for scientific research and geology, Honeyman became the first curator of the Nova Scotia Museum.

William Dawson Sir J. William Dawson

Dawson discovered the remains of some of the earliest known reptiles, Hylonomus lyelli.

Hugh Fletcher Hugh Fletcher

The maps Fletcher did with Faribault were the first accurate delineation of many of the province's coalfields.

E.R. Faribault E.R. Faribault

Spent most of his fifty year career studying gold deposits and geological mapping.

W.A. Bell W.A. Bell

Although he didn't believe in continental drift, Bell became the father of modern plate-tectonics.

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[Nova Scotia Museum]