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Finding the "Ghosts of the North West Coast"

Chapter Seven: Auld Lang Syne
Grades K to Three
Questions for Discussion Activities

1) What did the first Europeans to arrive in the Fraser Valley do for a living?

2) How many times a day would farmers milk their cows?

3) Why did farmers put bells around their cows neck?

4) Before the railroads, how did farmers ship their milk products?

5) Who wrote the song “Auld Lang Syne”

6) What does “Auld Lang Syne” mean?

1) Learn to sing the chorus to “Auld Lang Syne” 

2) Write down various pioneer chores on scraps of paper and have each student draw a chore to act out. The rest of the class has to guess the chore being acted out.

3) Draw a picture of a cow.

Learning Outcomes K - 3

Grades Four to Six
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) What year was the first Hudson’s Bay Company fort built at Derby Reach?

2) What was a “Smudge Fire”?

3) Typically, what chores would be done on a farm on Monday?

4) What year did the Canadian Pacific Railway reach British Columbia?

5) What Hudson’s Bay Trader was in carge of the first Fort Langley?

6) What event happened in 1858 that raised the demand for agricultural products?

1) Imagining you lived on a pioneer farm, write a diary entry for one day. What day it was, what you did through the course of the day.

2) Draw a comic strip on how butter was produced by early settlers

3) Prepare something from the pioneer cookbook from this chapter.


Learning Outcomes   4 - 6

Grades Seven to Nine
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) What price did a pound of Sumas Butter fetch in Barkerville in 1869? How long would a person have had to work to be able to buy it? 

2) Which railway was completed from New Westminster to Chilliwack in 1910? What railways operate in the area today?

3) What was the size of the land grant offered to Royal Engineers to settle in the Fraser Valley? How many standard city housing lots could fit in this space today?

4) What was the name of the Royal Engineer who first founded the Village of Abbottsford? Can you find references to them today?

5) What year was Clayburn established and what resource had been discovered? Is it still being actively used or produced there?

6) Besides fur, name another early export item shipped from Fort Langley? What are the major attractions in Fort Langley today?

1) ) Imagining that you are a pioneer settler in the Fraser Valley, write a letter home to your family. Tell them all about your hardships and rewards.

2) Prepare items from the Pioneer cookbook from this chapter. Discuss how cooking today differs from that on a pioneer farm


Learning Outcomes 7 - 9
Grades Ten to Twelve
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) Describe the significance Mount Lehman held to the early central Fraser Valley farmers.

2) What nuisance made it’s home around the lakes and marshes of the Central Fraser Valley? What impact did it have on settlement and daily life?

3) Describe the effect that the Fraser & Cariboo gold rushes had on Fraser Valley agricultural development?

4) What industry besides farming was booming along the Fraser during the late 1800’s? How did this influence settlement in the area?

5) Describe what types of home entertainment could be enjoyed on a pioneer farm? How have these evolved and changed compared to today’s entertainment forms?

6) What was the “Whatcom Trail”? When and why was it used?
1) You are a pioneer dairy farmer in the Fraser Valley. In 100 –150 words describe how and what you produce and where you market it.

2) You are living in Pioneer Matsqui and attending  a Friday Night dance in Mission. Describe your evening in 100 – 150 words

Learning Outcomes 10 - 12

Music Appreciation Activity

How well can your students pick instruments out of a song? As a group project, go through the songs on the website, and have students pick out as many instruments as they can from each song. Most songs contain drums and guitar, but can students pick out the fiddle? The mandolin? The tambourine? Depending on the age level of your class, some of these instruments may be new to them; this is a great opportunity to present your class with new vocabulary and knowledge of musical instruments.
Teacher's Corner Auld Lang Syne