the "Ghosts of the North West Coast"
Chapter Three: Ghosts of Read Island
K to Three |
for Discussion |
Activities |
1) Where is Read Island?
2) What do you think the similarities and the differences are from the logging systems they used in the 1800's to the systems we have now?
3) Why were springboards used on the larger trees?
4) What was the main advantage of logging close to the beach?
5) On which island did Jack Myers buy his sloop before taking his stolen Gaelic Whiskey to Read Island?
6) Why do you think Jack O'Conner tried to subdue Jack Myers?
1) Have your students act out what it was like to work at a Gyp Logging camp.
2) Draw a picture of a Gyp Logger.
Outcomes K - 3
Four to Six
for Discussion |
Projects |
1) Where is Read Island?
2) What do you think the similarities and the differences are from the logging systems they used in the 1800's to the systems we have now?
3) Why were springboards used on the larger trees?
4) What was the main advantage of logging close to the beach?
5) Why were pioneer loggers drawn to B.C.?
6) Describe what it would be like to be a Gyp Logger in the days of the early 1800's.
7) On which island did Jack Myers buy his sloop before taking his stolen Gaelic Whiskey to Read Island?
8) Why do you think Jack O'Conner tried to subdue Jack Myers?
9) Having been put in prison time and again, why do you think Jack Myers continued his illegal pursuits?
10) Describe what it would be like to have to deal with someone like Jack Myers in today's time.
1) Draw a picture of Gyp Loggers cutting down a tree.
2) On a blank sheet of paper, draw two equal sized circles and mark each with a 12, 3, 6 and 9, like a clock. Label the first one AM and the second one PM. Now, using different colors of markers, crayons, pencil crayons, etc., divide the clocks up like two pies, indicating what these loggers what have done with each "slice" of day. For example... 12am to 7am, sleep. 7am to 8am breakfast,
Outcomes 4
- 6
Seven to Nine
for Discussion |
Projects |
1) Legend has it that Read Island was once part of a brutal massacre; they say a whole village was once wiped out by fierce warriors from the Kwakliuth Tribe.
Why do you think these brutal massacres took place?
2) Describe what you think it would be like to live in the early 1800's with the logging companies in their infancy and settlers just coming to this land.
3) What do you think the similarities and the differences are from the logging systems they used in the 1800's to the systems we have now?
4) Why were pioneer loggers drawn to B.C.?
5) On which island did Jack Myers buy his sloop before taking his stolen Gaelic Whiskey to Read Island?
6) Describe what it would be like to have to deal with someone like Jack Myers in today's time.
7) Having been put in prison time and again, why do you think Jack Myers continued his illegal pursuits?
1) Have your students write a 50 -100 word summary of what they think it would be like to be one of the first settlers coming to the Discovery Islands to work at a logging Camp.
2) Diaries were very popular in the 1800's; write two or three diary pages of Jack Myers about his escape in 1893, his purchase of the sloop and stolen whiskey, his travels around the Discovery Islands, his incident on Read Island and/or his plans for escape before he died..
7 - 9
Ten to Twelve |
for Discussion |
1) Legend has it that Read Island was once part of a brutal massacre; they say a whole village was once wiped out by fierce warriors from the Kwakliuth Tribe.
Why do you think these brutal massacres took place?
2) Why were pioneer loggers drawn to B.C.?
3) What do you think the similarities and the differences are from the logging systems they used in the 1800's to the systems we have now?
4) Describe what you think it would be like to live in the early 1800's with the logging companies in their infancy and settlers just coming to this land.
5) Knowing that you were days away from medical assistance and a hospital, what precautions would you have taken to avoid injuries if you were in charge of one of these Gyp Logging camps, in the early 1800's?
6) If you were Michael Manson Or Fredrick Hussey performing the inquest against Jack Myers, how would you have handled the situation?
7) Describe what it would be like to have to deal with someone like Jack Myers in today's time.
8) Having been put in prison time and again, why do you think Jack Myers continued his illegal pursuits?
1) In 50-100 words, describe how a Gyp Logging camp was set up and operated, from the inital lumber surveys through to the transportation of the cut wood for processing.
2) You've just finished your first two weeks of work in a Gyp Logging camp. Write a letter home (50-100 words ) to a friend or family member and describe what it was like.
Outcomes 10
- 12
Music Appreciation Activity |
How well can your students pick instruments out of a song?
As a group project, go through the songs on the website, and have students pick out as many instruments as they can from each song.
Most songs contain drums and guitar, but can students pick out the fiddle? The mandolin? The
Depending on the age level of your class, some of these instruments may be new to them; this is a great opportunity to present your class with new vocabulary and knowledge of musical instruments.