Ghosts of the North West CoastFeedback

Finding the "Ghosts of the North West Coast"

Chapter Six: Spanish Banks
Grades K to Three
Questions for Discussion Activities

1) What country did George Vancouver come from?

2) Who did Vancouver’s and his men meet by Point Gray? 

3) What could a sailor do in his time off? 

4) About how many years ago did George Vancouver and his crew explore the BC coast?

5) Name George Vancouver’s two ships 

6) Name something that would have been used for trading with the First Nations.

1) Have children arrange chairs into an imaginary rowboat. Have them row in unison. Assign jobs, have two students working imaginary sextants, others writing down notes, others looking through telescope.  

2) Have children perform ship board chores such as: swabbing the deck, climbing the mast, steering the ship etc.

3) Draw a picture of an Explorers ship .

Learning Outcomes K - 3
Grades Four to Six
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) What year did Vancouver and his men explore and chart the Discovery Pass? 

2) Name two Spanish Explorers.

3) What was a sextant used for? 

4) Name three tools that an early explorer would need and describe what they were used for? 

5) Name a First Nation that Vancouver and his men would have encountered.

6) What causes scurvy and how was it remedied? 

1) Pretend your class are exploring a new territory. Draw a map like those made by these early explorers but creating new place names using the names from people in your classroom. Eg.: Sandy Brown Beach etc.

2) Tell a 'Tall Tale' story similar to what the early sailors might have told told as entertainment during the long sea voyages.

Learning Outcomes   4 - 6

Grades Seven to Nine
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) What means of propulsion did Vancouver's ships use? Describe how this works.

2) Why would Vancouver’s crew need to use rowboats? 

3) What book did George Vancouver write? 

4) What did a cartographer do? 

5) Who did George Vancouver visit the North West with prior to launching his own exploration? 

6) What was the main purpose for the English and Spanish expeditions into the North West in 1792? 

1) You are a sailor on George Vancouver's ship. Write a dairy describing your typical day..

2) Look on a map of the area around  Vancouver Island and locate all the place names related to this topic. E.g.: Discovery Pass, Mt. Baker etc.


Learning Outcomes 7 - 9
Grades Ten to Twelve
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) Name and describe the First Nations that Vancouver met. What is the state of these First Nations today?

2) What task did the English and Spanish collaborate on? Explain what you feel to be the reasons this was done.

3) How was George Vancouver significant to British Columbia's history? 

4) Do you think the Spanish and  English represented a serious threat to the each other? 

5) Speculate what the effect would have been if only the Spanish had shown up on the North West coast.

6) Describe the processes involved in charting previously uncharted regions. What tools were used and for what function?

1) Have students choose figure from the chapter and do a 50-100 word summary of that character's life and achievements. Information can be found on our website as well as some of the other sites listed in our links section.

2) Name story related three coastal place names and explain how they received their names. ( Research tip: Akrigg & Akrigg's book called 'BC Place Names'; or, John Walbran's book called 'BC Coastal Place Names')

Learning Outcomes 10 - 12

Music Appreciation Activity

How well can your students pick instruments out of a song? 

As a group project, go through the songs on the website, and have students pick out as many instruments as they can from each song. 

Most songs contain drums and guitar, but can students pick out the fiddle? The mandolin? The tambourine? 

Depending on the age level of your class, some of these instruments may be new to them; this is a great opportunity to present your class with new vocabulary and knowledge of musical instruments.

Teacher's Corner Spanish Banks