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Finding the "Ghosts of the North West Coast"

Chapter One: Steamboatin' Jamiesons
Grades K to Three
Questions for Discussion Activities

1) Where were the Jamieson's born? When did they arrive on the Pacific Coast?

2) What type of boat did the Jamieson's work on?

3) What towns did Smith Jamieson sail between?

4) What do you think a 'Wharf' is?

5) What made Steamboat travel dangerous?

6) What year did the last Jamieson die?

1) Have your students draw a picture of what they think a Steamboat looked like.

2) Act out chopping wood, loading and shoveling coal into the boiler of a Steamboat. How important was this activity and why?

Learning Outcomes K - 3
Grades Four to Six
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) Where were the Jamiesons born? How did they die?

2) Why were Steamboats used rather than some other form of transport?

3) What was the first Steamboat on the NorthWest Coast?

4) What made Steamboats better than Sailing ships?

5) What do you think it was like to be a Steamboat Captain?

6) Who owned the S.S. Beaver?

7) What kinds of cargo do you think a Steamboat might have carried in the 1850's?

8) What do you think caused the decline of the use of the Steamboat? 

1) Draw a picture of the S.S. Beaver.

2) Draw a map of the Fraser river showing New Westminster, Fort Langley and Yale.


Learning Outcomes   4 - 6

Grades Seven to Nine
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) Discuss the importance of Steamboats during the Fraser Goldrush.

2) What advantage did the Steamboats have over the Sailing Ships?

3) What was the most dangerous aspect of Steamboat travel?

4) What was the first Steamboat to arrive on the Pacific Coast and what was it used for?

5) Besides steam, what other types of fuel are used to propel ships?

6) What tools would a Steamboat captain use in navigation?

1) Have your students write a 50 -100 word summary about Steamboat propulsion.

2) Diaries were very popular in the 1800's; write two or three diary pages of a Steamboat captain in 1850's.


Learning Outcomes 7 - 9
Grades Ten to Twelve
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) What do you think led the Jamiesons to travel all the way from Scotland to the Northwest?

2) Before Steamboat travel, how did people get around the North West?

3) What attributes would a person need to become a good Steamboat Captain? 

4) How did the Steamboats facilitate communication and development in pioneering the Northwest?

5) Name some of the disadvantages of the Steamboat.

6) Name and describe different types of Steamboats.

7) Name other means of steam travel.

1) In 100 - 150 words, describe the day to day operations of a Steamboat (chores, etc).

2) Describe and illustrate how a Steamboat works.

Learning Outcomes 10 - 12

Music Appreciation Activity

How well can your students pick instruments out of a song? 

As a group project, go through the songs on the website, and have students pick out as many instruments as they can from each song. 

Most songs contain drums and guitar, but can students pick out the fiddle? The mandolin? The tambourine? 

Depending on the age level of your class, some of these instruments may be new to them; this is a great opportunity to present your class with new vocabulary and knowledge of musical instruments.

Teacher's Corner Steamboatin' Jamiesons