Ghosts of the North West CoastFeedback

Finding the "Ghosts of the North West Coast"

Chapter Eight: Voyageur!
Grades K to Three
Questions for Discussion Activities

1) What were the two things Voyageurs liked in their hats?

2) In 1778, which captain explored the coast for western passage or significant inland waterway?

3) What did traders use a tobacco twist for?

4) What was held in a powder flask?

5) What did the Voyageurs wear around their waists?

6) What were the Voyageurs' canoes made out of?

1) Have the children act out preparing Pemmican while the teacher reads the recipe.

2) Draw a picture of a Voyageur.

3) Have your students sing a song Frere Jaques, or A La Claire Fontaine.

Learning Outcomes K - 3
Grades Four to Six
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) What did traders use a tobacco twist for?

2) During the fur trading days what type of hat was high in demand in Europe?

3) Where were Russian trading posts found already established?

4) What did the Voyageurs wear around their waists?

5) Where did the first Europeans to cross the continent of North America come from?

6) Who became governor in 1849, when Vancouver Island became a crown colony?

7) How did the Voyageurs support the heavy bundles they carried during a portage?

8) What were the two things Voyageurs liked in their hats?

9) Name some songs that were popular among the Voyageurs.

10) What did Pemmican provide to a Voyageurs diet?

1) In groups of five or more, have your students act out a skit of what it was like to do a Voyageurs job.

2) A day or two in advance, ask students to bring in some items for them to trade. Discuss the barter system and let students go around trading their items to each other, fur trade style. You may want to do this outside, with small groups establishing trading posts and others going from group to group trading items. You will probably want to bring some items of your own to give to students who forgot to bring anything.


Learning Outcomes   4 - 6

Grades Seven to Nine
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) How important was Pemmican to the fur trade?

2) How did the Voyageurs support the heavy bundles they carried during a portage?

3) In 1793, who was the first person to travel across North America by land north of Mexico?

4) Why was the rivalry between Britain and the USA so serious?

5) For what reason did Britain turn the mainland into another colony?

6) How was war avoided in 1849?

7) Who became governor in 1849?

8) What was the principle form of entertainment for Voyageurs?

9) Name the seven items needed to make "Red River Pemmican".

1) Have your students prepare a list of things you might find at a trading post and the prices in furs.

2) Have your students write a 50 - 100 word summary describing how Voyageurs set up trading posts.


Learning Outcomes 7 - 9
Grades Ten to Twelve
Questions for Discussion Projects

1) What was NOR'WESTER short for?

2) How important was Pemmican to the fur trade? Why?

3) What was the principle form of entertainment for Voyageurs?

4) In 1793, who was the first person to travel across North America by land north of Mexico?

5) How was war avoided in 1849? 

6) What was the major problem that occurred in 1857?

7) Who were Fraser, Thompson and MacKenzie? Why are they such important historical figures?

1) Have your students describe the life of a voyageur in 50 - 100 words or more.

2) Research the history of Alexander McKenzie, Simon Fraser, or David Thompson.

Learning Outcomes 10 - 12

Music Appreciation Activity

How well can your students pick instruments out of a song? 

As a group project, go through the songs on the website, and have students pick out as many instruments as they can from each song. 

Most songs contain drums and guitar, but can students pick out the fiddle? The mandolin? The tambourine? 

Depending on the age level of your class, some of these instruments may be new to them; this is a great opportunity to present your class with new vocabulary and knowledge of musical instruments.

Teacher's Corner Voyageur!