

  • Ecological Agricultural Projects This website gathers all sorts of articles going from sustainable agriculture to animal welfare to pesticide use in agriculture.

  • Farm Livestock Health and Welfare This webpage, put up by the Food and Farming Education Servce, tackles the issue of animal welfare.

  • Internet Cat Club Many articles about animal welfare are gathered in this site.

  • Welfare of Livestock at Saleyards--RSPCA Australia It presents guidelines for loading and unloading of livestock, yards, laneways, pens, gates, driving, yarding and drafting.


    1. Booklets "Codes of Practice", published by Agriculture Canada

    2. MARTIN, Jerome, High technology and animal welfare, University of Alberta, Canada, 1991, 93 pages

    3. PENMAN, Danny, The Price of Meat, Victor Gollancz, Great Britain, 1996, 240 pages

    4. ROLLIN, Bernard E., Farm Animal Welfare-Social, Bioethical, and Research Issues, Iowa State University Press/AMES, USA, 1995, 168 pages.

    5. SPEDDING, Colin R.W., Agriculture and the Citizen, Chapman & Hall, London, 1996, 282 pages

    6. WATHES C.M. and D.R. CHARLES, Livestock housing, Cab international, UK, 1994, 428 pages


    1. Dairy and Swine Research and Development Center This center is a research branch of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Website:
      Postal address: P.O. Box 90, 2000 Route 108 East
      Lennocville, Qc, J1M 1Z3 Canada
      Tel: 819-564-5507
      Fax: 819-564-5507

    2. The Human Farming Association The goals of this association are to protect farm animals from cruelty and abuse, to protect public from the dangerous use of antibiotics, hormones and other chemicals used in industrial farming as well as to protect the environment from the impact of industrialized farming. Website:
      Postal Address: P.O. Box 3577 San Rafael
      CA, 94912, USA
      Tel: 415-771-CALF
      Fax: 415-485-0106
  • Farm Animal Welfare Cconcerns And Responses
    Agromedia : English : Animal Welfare : Sources