fatty acids:
An acid, with a chain of carbon atoms, present in animal and vegetable fats and oils. e.g. cholesterol

The breakdown of a substance by microorganisms, such as yeasts and bacteria, usually in the absence of oxygen, especially of sugar to ethyl alcohol in the making of beers, wines, and spirits.

fermentation alcohol:
(Ethanol: C2H5OH) Grain alcohol. Poisonous, but not to the degree of methanol. Found in alcoholic drinks. Results from the fermentation of grain or fruit.

(Linum usitatissimum) A thin, upright plant, with long leaves and blue flowers, grown for its seeds (used for their oil) and fibers (used in linen).

folic acid:
A vitamin of the B complex, found in leafy green vegetables, liver, and kidney, and deficiency of which causes pernicious anaemia. Also called Folacin or Pterroylglutamic Acid.

That which can be predicted to some extent and planned for.

fossil fuels:
Hydrocarbons derived from dead, fossilized plant and animal matter. Due to the fact that they take millions of years to form, they are considered non-renewable resources.

free radical:
An atom or compound in which there is an unpaired electron.

fungal infection:
An infection by fungus. e.g. athlete's foot.

An agent, such as a spray or dust, used for destroying fungi.

Agromedia : English : Glossary : Section F