

  1. International forum on globalization Website that allows exchange of ideas on globalization related issues. The article "The threat of the globalization of agriculture" written by Vandana Shiva, published at

  2. Canada and the myth of globalization This is a review of Linda McQuaig's book, The Quick and the Dead.

Various articles related to globalization issues:

  1. Assessing World Competition

  2. Wheat Industry Issues and Market Problems that Impact Farmers

  3. Adjusting to No Governement Supports in Agriculture: Possible Lessons from New Zealand

  4. "Conquering marquets...but which ones???" Article written by Charles Cantin and François Simard, published by Agriculture & Agrifood Canada


  1. APEC, Meeting of APEC leaders in Osaka, Canada Export, December 18, 1995

  2. CANTIN, Charles, DURAND, Nathalie, GRANGER, Éric, SIMARD, François. Pays demandent produits:ça vous tente???, Annual conference of the Union des Producteurs Agricoles du Québec (UPA), Quebec City, February 1996.

  3. De MONTIGNY, Normand, L'exportation, un must, Le coopérateur, October 1992, p.12-13.

  4. FAO. World Agriculture : Towards 2010, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and John Wiley & Sons, 1995, 488 pages.

  5. GREIDER, William, One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1997.

  6. LIND, Something's Wrong Somewhere-Globalization, Community and the Moral Economy of the Farm Crisis, Fernwood Publishing Company Limited, Canada, 1995, 109 pages.

  7. MANDER, Jerry and Edward GOLDSMITH, The Case Against Globalization and For a Turn Toward the Local, The Sierra Club, San Francisco, 1997.

  8. MARTIN, Hans-Peter and Harald SCHUMANN, The Global Trap: Globalization and the Assault on Democracy and Prosperity, Zed Books, London, 1997.

  9. WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION. International Trade. Trends and Statistics 1995, WTO publications, Lausanne, 178 pages.
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