The Humboldt Journal

January 23, 1958


On January 27 at 8:00 p.m., the switch will be thrown that will officially open CKBI TV at Prince Albert.

CKBI TV goes on the air five months after the application was approved by the Department of Transport in Ottawa.

To assure the best picture in as many Saskatchewan homes as possible, CKBI TV will be broadcasting on Channel 5 with a maximum of 100,000 watts from an antenna 875 feet above

average terrain.

According to Mr. E. A. Rawlinson, manager of CKBI TV, the equipment is the very latest and is compatible for color so that if and when Colored TV becomes a factor in Canadian viewing CKBI-TV will be in a position to change over to color with a minimum of effort.

Mr. E. A. Rawlinson stated that for the best reception a Channel 5 antenna should be installed.

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