The Humboldt Journal

May 11, 1916


As the result of an explosion which occurred at the C.N.R pumping station at Burton Lake, four miles north of town, on Sunday night, Messrs. Garfield Whitmarsh and M. Morris, the two men in charge of the plant, were very badly burned and injured, and the building almost blown to pieces.

It appears that gasoline had been left running into the supply tank located below the building, which becoming full, overflowed and some of the oil leaked into the well located in the centre of the building. The gasoline, of course, remained on top of the water, and when Mr. Whitmarsh lowered a lantern into the well in an endeavor to locate some trouble at the intake, a terrific explosion occurred. Both men were hurled into the air with great violence and it seems

almost a miracle that they escaped being killed. As it was they were so terribly burned about the face and head as to be almost beyond recognition; their hands were also badly burned, and Mr. Whitmarsh is suffering from a badly strained back. Medical aid arrived a short time after the accident and everything possible was done to alleviate the great pain from which the men were suffering, and although their recovery will be slow, they are getting along as well as could be expected.

The building was badly wrecked, the doors and windows and one side blown clean out, and the stove smashed in two. As a result of the accident the C.N.R. have been unable to pump water from the lake for the past week.

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