The Humboldt Journal

December 15, 1905
Volume 1, No.9
$1.00 Per Annum

The first provincial elections in the province of Saskatchewan were held Wednesday, December 13th, the returns of which so far received, indicate the re-election of the Liberal party. The Liberals have carried 15 seats and the opposition 8, Wholesale and Kinistino being still in doubt. It is generally conceded that Kinistino will go Liberal, but Wolseley will in all likelihood be carried by the opposition. This will give the Liberals 16 and the opposition 9, giving a government majority of 7 members.

Following is a list of the constituencies and the members elected:

Battlefford- A. Champagne, Liberal, elected.
Batoche - Wm. Grant, Liberal, elected.
Cannington- J. V. Stewart, Liberal, elected.
Grenfel - Dr. Argue, Conservative, elected.
Humboldt- Dr. D. B. Neely, Liberal, acclamation.
Kinistino - Some polls postponed.
Lumsden - Hon. Walter Scott, Liberal, elected.
Maple Creek - D. J. Wylie Conservative, elected.

Moose Jaw (city) - J. E. Wellington, Conservative, elected.
Moose Jaw (district) - John Sheppard, Liberal, elected.
Moosomin - Dr. Ellis, Conservative, elected.
Prince Albert (city) - Hon. J. E. Lamont, Liberal, elected.
Prince Albert (district) - Dr. Tyreman, Liberal, elected.
Qu’Appelle (north) - Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Liberal, elected.
Qu'Appelle (south) - Hon. F. W. G. Haultain, Conservative, elected.
Redberry - Geo. Langley, Liberal. elected.
Regina (city)- H. W. Laird, Conservative, elected.
Regina (south) - Hon. J. A. Calder, Liberal, elected.
Rosthern- G. Ens, Liberal, elected.
Saltcoats- Thos. McNut, Liberal; elected.
Saskatoon- W. C. Sutherland, Liberal, elected.
Souris- J. T. Brown, Conservative, elected.
Whitewood- A. B. Gillis, Conservative, elected.
Wolseley- Dr. Elliott. Conservative, leading.
Yorkton- Thos. H. Gary, Liberal, elected.

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