The Humboldt Journal

December 6, 1923
Volume 19, No.7
$2.00 per Year in Advance

It is now a pretty well established fact, according to all students of the agricultural situation in Western Canada, that the introduction of the methods of mixed farming rather than a strict adherence to grain growing, is going to be the salvation of this country, and anything that will tend to encourage the farmers to deviate from a strictly grain growing business in favor of other methods of production, should have the hearty support of the district.

There has recently been established in Humboldt a hog business, which should have a far reaching effect in promoting the hog industry in the Humboldt district along lines that will prove much more profitable than has been the case heretofore. The farmers of this district, like many other sections of the west, are at present time raising hogs, and have been, more or less, for many years. But the question arises, "are they the proper type of hog to bring the highest prices in the world's markets?” We think not and that is where the trouble lies. A bacon hog, true to form and of the, proper type, will bring a much higher price than a hog of a lower grade. The Hon. W.R. Motherwell emphasized this point very strongly when speaking in Humboldt recently. It costs no more to raise a good animal than it does a poor one. The farmers of this district, then,

will have the opportunity through the hog industry that has been established here, to secure pure bred hogs of the very highest type.

The industry has been started by Mr. Garnett Howes, who has had ten years experience in the business at Metcalf, near Ottawa, Ont. He came to Humboldt after going through the whole west looking for a favorable location. While in the east he specialized in Yorkshire hogs, and took many prizes at eastern fairs. He has come to Humboldt with a fine lot of the best pure bred animals that money can buy. He has one registered Yorkshire boar, that was a prize winner at the Saskatoon exhibition. He also has thirty five registered Yorkshire sows for breeding. A full sister of one sow took third prize at the fall show at the Royal stock show at Toronto. Two of the sows took first and second at the fall shows at Saskatoon. The rest are all bred from prize winning stock. Mr. Howes intends to have at least 125 sows for breeding purposes for next year. He has bought 20 acres of land just east of the Humboldt Creameries Ltd., where buildings and sheds have been erected to house the hogs.

During the summer season Mr. Howes will exhibit at A and B circuit fairs of Western Canada.

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