March 8, 1907 |
$1.00 Per Year |
The following letter was received by J. W. Lowes, overseer, from the Attorney General's Department, re: the incorporation of the town of Humboldt.
Regina, Sir, I beg to advise you that a recommendation had been made for an order for the issue of a Proclamation erecting Humboldt into a Town Municipality on with the first day of April, 1907, with the following area: |
The whole of section nineteen (19), the west half of section twenty(20), the south west quarter of section twenty nine (29), and the south half of section thirty (30), all in township thirty seven (37), in range twenty two west of the second meridian, and naming E. T. Wallace of Humboldt, as the returning officer for the holding of the first election of mayor and councilors. Your obedient servant,
Frank Ford.
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