The Humboldt Journal

May 10, 1907
Volume 2, No.30
$1.00 Per Year

The following were the successful candidates at the poll on Thursday:

Mayor O. W. Andreason
Councillors - J. J. Stiegler, A. Zilliax, Otto Ritz, R. Morrison, E. G. Walker, J. J. Gable.

The first municipal election to be held in Humboldt took place on Thursday, the 9th and proved unexpectedly exciting, especially the mayorality contest. Events drifted along quietly until a day or two previous to polling day, when things began to warm up and the day of the election opened with the candidates hot on the trail of their opponents. The poll opened at 9 o'clock, and

remaining Officer Wallace at once began doing business, a large number apparently being anxious to use their franchise as soon as possible.

It was considered that the vote polled would be about 75, but this estimate proved far too modest, as the poll closed at 5 o'clock with over 100 votes cast.

The following were the candidates and votes received:

For Mayor-
O. W. Andreasen - 57
J. W. Lowes - 51

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