The Humboldt Journal

April 22, 1909
Volume 4, No.27
$1.00 Per Year

A large and representative meeting of the citizens was held this (Thursday) morning in the Humboldt hall to discuss the question of erecting a flour mill in Humboldt. Mr. Enge, one of the proprietors of the Aberdeen mill, was present and offered a proposition which looked very reasonable and was generally conceded in. He agreed to build a 100 barrel mill, costing about $24,000 on the condition that one half the stock is taken by local men or by the town, and further agrees to take up the stock subscribed locally within three years allowing interest at seven percent.

After the matter had been fully discussed a committee was appointed to meet with Mr. Enge and prepare a definite proposal and if the proposition is accepted, a canvas will probably be made shortly for shares.

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