The Humboldt Journal

May 20, 1926 Volume 21, No.27 $2.00 Per Year in Advance


One of the largest land transactions that has taken place in the Humboldt district for several years was consummated last week, when Mr. G. D. and Mr. F. J. Schnaufer disposed of their farms, nine and a half miles south of Humboldt, to a group of progressive Mennonites. All their farming equipment, stock, etc., were included in the deal. Their holdings comprised 17 quarters, being 2720 acres.

The purchasers, young Mennonite immigrants from Russia, have been in Canada 18 months, and have been engaged with different farmers in the Rosthern district.

Seven families, comprising 44 people in all, are interested in the deal. They will assume control of their

holdings immediately. The transaction was put through by Mr. Peter P. Thiessen, a member of the Mennonite Land Settlement Board and Mr. R. T. Christopherson, Saskatchewan representative of the Canada Colonization Association.

According to these two gentlemen, many more Mennonite families will settle in the Humboldt district in the very near future.

The Schnaufer brothers came to this district nearly nineteen years ago from the States. They have been progressive farmers, and have done their full part in the development of the district in their particular neighborhood. They have no definite plans at present for the future; but they expect to return to some part of the United States to settle.

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