The Humboldt Journal

September 3, 1936 Volume 31, No.36


At a meeting called by the Board of Trade, held in the council chambers, city hall, last Thursday evening Brig. General M. L. Hornby explained in detail the British immigration and settlement scheme. Briefly the proposed scheme, which is financed entirely by British capital, is to purchase improved farms in Canada (from fifty to one hundred farms in a community, and to settle there immigrants from Britain. The immigrants selected would come from certain counties in England, who have charge of all financing, backed by the British government. A supervisor would be appointed for each particular community to ensure successful and proper operation of farming activities. It is claimed that the plan would not only add much needed population but would add much to business activity, provide employment in building operations and create increased market for all farming equipment and all the necessities required in establishing new farm homes.

Following Mr. Hornby's address, there was a general discussion and many questions were asked, and a resolution was passed endorsing the plan.

The Plan Explained
The following circular published by the committee explains the British immigration and settlement plan quite fully:

"Immigration has been a closed subject for a number of years. Now however, there is a growing feeling in the Dominion that immigration should be resumed for reasons set down below. But the new immigration will necessarily be different from the immigration we knew before 1930. Immigration then was not planned in detail with regard to the finance of settlers, numbers admitted, definite work provided, location of settlers, etc. That was not necessary because of the existing circumstances. In contrast, the new immigration must be carefully planned in all the above respects. If these are carried out as proposed in the Hornby Plan, which is a scheme for placing a limited number of British families on land in different parts of the Dominion, it can scarcely fail to be of great advantage to Canada.

Economically, Canada will profit through the Hornby Plan of Immigration. Under it, settlers will not be a burden upon the finances of the country nor go to swell the numbers of the unemployed. Instead, they will be financially independent of Canada as they will be provided for entirely by Britain until they are self supporting. Up to and after that time, they will take off our shoulders part of the present, heavy burden of taxation. Also, larger population will mean more freight and passenger revenue for our railways. Industry will be added by the erection of buildings and by the purchase of implements, household effects, etc., required by the immigrants. Trade with Britain will probably be increased. These decided advantages to the Dominion

must not be lightly considered by us.

The Hornby Plan will maintain the high standard of the Canadian people. In any country, what can be of more importance than the nature of the people in it? They make the country what it is in every department; politics, economies, society, industry, religion, etc. Canada is a British country; we are anxious that it remain so. How can we ensure this better than by bringing more British people into the Dominion. Immigrants from the Old Country will not remain in separate communities for many generations with their own language, customs, politics, moral habits and standards. In these, they hardly differ from us. Indeed, broadly speaking, we may say that they are as we. Their race, traditions, and institutions, as well, are ours. Hence, they will not remain a nation within a nation striving to keep their identity in any way. Inter marriage will take place. A further important advantage is that there will then be no danger that the natural increase of Anglo Saxon Canadians will be checked and replaced by that of those who have come to our shores from non British countries. If this last were to happen, it would likely mean a profound change in our national and international life, as the majority of Canadians would then not be fundamentally in sympathy with Britain and the Empire. In time, this might conceivably mean that Canada would leave the British Commonwealth of Nations. The Hornby Plan will guarantee Canada's place in the Empire.

Canada's political life would not be unfavorably affected if immigrants enter the Dominion under the Hornby Plan. Many of Canada's leaders in politics, as well as in other branches of Canadian life, have been and are of the British race. Further more, the British are accustomed to self government. They also do not believe in the reforms desired by a minority being effected through force or revolution but believe the franchise to be the proper expression of the will of the people. Thus needed reforms are secured by them through the established constitutional means. Peaceful legislative progress, then, will be assured.

Orderliness and obedience to laws are well known characteristics of the Anglo Saxon race. Canada can count upon such immigrants to obey the laws and to respect authority. The standard they set in regard to these is high. Some other countries, understandably have different legal and moral codes. Accordingly, when the immigrants come from them to the Dominion they are occasionally something of a problem. They must be educated to produce social and moral like mindedness. In the meantime, trouble, time, and expense are sometimes necessitated. With British immigrants no such problem will exist.

To sum up: Renewed immigration of a planned, limited, selective nature is desirable now for the very definite advantages that will accrue economically, socially, and politically. Disadvantages are few, if any. The Hornby Plan is worthy of our thoughtful study and support".

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