The Humboldt Journal

January 25, 1907 Volume 2, No.15 $1.00 Per Year


About fifteen months ago -- in October 1905, the Union Bank Of Canada was established in Humboldt, in premises which were both cramped and cold. Early last summer however, the erection of a handsome new building was commenced, and today there stands the corner of Main street and Franklin avenue, one of the most up to date business blocks that will be found in the west.

The building is two stories high, the first floor being entirely occupied by the offices of the bank. There is a neat little manager's office at the front,

which opens into the main office of the bank. The furnishings which should have been here some time ago, have not yet arrived, and temporary counters and desks have been installed.

The second floor is divided into departments, which are occupied by the manager and staff.

The building is heated throughout by hot air.

The bank took possession of their new premises last week.

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