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Coal Furnaces and Ovens

Steam Generators


   1William Quail, personal interview, March 2000.

   2"Steam Generation," International Library of Technology, vol. 74 (London: International Textbook Company, 1905) 11.

   3Dave Kyllo, e-mail to the author, 13 July 2000.

   4"Steam-Heating Pipe Systems" International Library of Technology 1, 4-6.

   5"Hot-Water Heating Systems," International Library of Technology 5-9.

   6"Steam Generation" 11-12.




   10Andrew Wilson, ed., Gaslights to Gigawatts (Vancouver: Hurricane P, 1998) 16.

   11Wilson 11.

   12Wilson 16.

   13Wilson 12.

   14Verdun Casselman, Ties to Water: The History of Bull River in the East Kootenay (Altona MB: Friesen, 1988) 50.

   15Glayda Wilkinson and Marjorie Fitzpatrick, A Century in the Life of Elko (Altona MB: Friesen, 1999) 71.

   16Wilson 139.

   17Wilson 150-51.

   18Wilson 153.

   19British Columbia, Powerex, "Resources: BC Hydro System," Supply (n.d.): n. pag., online, Internet, 28 Aug. 2000, available powerex.com.

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