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King Coal - BC's Coal Heritage
Grade 5


Why was Tumbler Ridge built?

A Big Project

Power Supply

Townsite of Tumbler Ridge

Building a New Town

A Community's Dependence on Mining

Power Supply

"Installing new power lines, telephone cables"
Installing new power lines, telephone cables.
Courtesy of BC Government

Power is very important. You wouldn’t want to light your house with candles would you? We need power to turn on our lights, cook our food and watch TV. Coal mines also need power, without it they couldn’t run their equipment, computers or plant.

In British Columbia, BC hydro makes sure that all the towns and cities in the province have power. When Tumbler Ridge was built the government had to make sure that the people living in that area would also have power, so they asked BC hydro to build a substation near the town. From this substation they built power lines to the minesites and into Tumbler Ridge.

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Introduction  |  Tumbler Ridge  |  The Caufield Brothers  |  Japan Markets  |  Coal Mining and the Environment  |  Mining Technology  |  From the Mines to the Ports

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