Medicine Wheel
Medicine Wheel

The following were published, written or about residents of Lennox Island.

Micmac By Choice
Micmac By Choice Elsie Sark, an enigma and legend, came to the Lennox Island Reserve, Prince Edward Island in 1918 as the English bride of a war hero John J. Sark. Greeted on arrival by her father-in-law Chief John T. Sark and an assembly of Mi'kmaq, she found herself in the midst of conflict. Without relinquishing her Victorian English manner, she settled in to raising a family on the reserve. Her life story sheds new light on Aboriginal/Non-Aboriginal relations on Prince Edward Island, but more than that it bears witness to one women's dedication to her community and her family.

Price $16.95 (Canadian)
Where: Lennox Island Craft Shop

Micmac Legends
Tells the early history of the Micmac people through legends that have been passed down from generation to generation. Paintings found in the book were originally done by Mi'kmaq artist Michael Francis.  These were reproduced on canvas by George Paul.  Included in the book is a section describing the Mi'kmaq's first contact with European settlers. 

Price $6.50 (Canadian)
Where: Lennox Island Craft Shop

Micmac Legends of Prince Edward Island
Micmac Legends Of Prince Edward Island
Our Native Women of Lennox Island
Our Native Women of Lennox Island This book is intended to depict the cultural background and past lifestyle of Mi'kmaq women of Prince Edward Island.  It describes how they lived in the past and their contribution to society today showing that they have a place in the history and development of Mi'kmaq people on Prince Edward Island.  (Click on the picture to visit the website.)

Price $6.50 (Canadian)
Where: Lennox Island Craft Shop

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Created: July 5, 1999
Copyright ©1999 Lennox Island Learning Centre
Updated: October 13, 1999